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Putting our will together is something we never look forward to, and it’s an important job that can be easy to put off.

It is never too early to make arrangements and manage your business affairs in the event of your death. Making a will now can save further heartache for your loved ones and prevent any disputes arising during a difficult time. Don’t worry, we’re here to help.

Do I need to write a Will?
No matter your age or how healthy you are, having a will in place is crucial, just in case the worst happens. It’s easy to assume that, if you pass away without a will, your next of kin will inherit everything. This is not a guarantee, and even if your estate is passed to them, there may be inheritance tax to pay, which can leave your spouse or closest family members in financial difficulty.

Our Probate lawyers provide a full will drafting service and are able to advise you on basic tax planning matters, inheritance tax, and the various ways in which you can hold property to maximise your tax allowances.

When should I Update my Will?
Once you’ve written your will, it’s just as important to keep it up to date. Every time you have financial or other significant changes in life, such as a promotion at work or buying a new car, you should review/update your will to keep your assets secure.

If you are unsure when to update your will, ask yourself the following questions:

  • If you made a will years ago, is it still relevant to your current circumstances?
  • Were you advised to make a discretionary will in the past? The law regarding this type of will has changed, meaning it might not be what you need now.
  • Do you or your spouse have children from a previous marriage or relationship? Without clearly stating so in your will, they will receive less of your joint assets.
  • Do you or your spouse have a disability or health condition that will require long term, professional care in the future? If so, a properly drawn will may ensure that a significant part of your assets go to your children or other family members and won’t be tied up funding retirement home fees indefinitely.
  • Do you have a child with special needs? If so, you may wish to set up a trust in your will, to ensure they are looked after and provided for in the future.

How much does writing a Will Cost?
The cost of writing your will depends on the type of will that suits you best. Here are our current prices:

Basic Single Will - £150 plus vat, totalling £180
Basic Mirror Wills - £250 plus vat, totalling £300
Single Life Interest Trust Will - £300 plus vat, totalling £360
Couple Life Interest Trust Wills - £450 plus vat, totalling £540
Single Discretionary Trust Will - £500 plus vat, totalling £600
Couple Discretionary Trust Will - £750 plus vat, totalling £900

As well as providing will services and preparing lasting powers of attorney, we also provide specialist legal services on registering Enduring Powers of Attorney and on full applications to the Court of Protection (where a person loses mental capacity but there is no Lasting Power of Attorney in place (see relevant information pages.)

More and more people are now becoming proactive in terms of planning for their old age; we are happy to be part of that planning process. We also provide advice on Inheritance Tax issues, protecting the home and minimising residential home/nursing home fees.

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